Bump Keys
For years, most people have depended on quality dead bolt locks to secure entry doors into their homes and protect their valuables. However, a relatively new technique called lock bumping is a process that uses standard keys which are filed down to their lowest level and then used to open almost any door lock. The keys are then struck with a soft mallet type hammer or screwdriver to open a door lock using kinetic force. While this method has been known to a few very expensive experience locksmiths for many years, the Internet has now made the information available to anyone who would use it. So, in order to protect your home, you should seek out bump proof locks that are much harder to defeat using this method. Bump proof locks are considerably more expensive than standard dead bolt locks; however, they do offer a much higher level of protection and security for your home.
You can stop bump keys from opening your locks with bump key resistant locks,
It's important that you check the package for "Bump Guard Protection" language. If you'd like to know more about defeating bump keys, give us a call today.
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